Illegitimate Products and the Grey Market

If you see a deal on electronics that seems too good to be true, it could be a small clue the products are possibly being sold on the grey market. The term “grey market” refers to any method of merchandise selling that does not correspond with a manufacturer’s designated distribution channel. Goods that are sold on the grey market cannot be sold elsewhere because they likely do not meet the necessary safety and certification codes.

Identifying Grey Market Goods

Typically, grey market or counterfeit products are sold at a significantly lower price than what they can be found for at an authorized seller. Many legitimate products also come with a user manual in the most common language of the area. Should the manual or any of the packaging be written in another language, it is probably off of the grey market. Unauthorized resellers may claim to provide the same warranty as the manufacturer, but that is not always the case.

Counterfeit Products

Products that are sold on the grey market are often counterfeit or made through unauthorized manufacturing. Shoppers may also purchase gray market products knowing that they are counterfeit because they appear enough like “the real deal” that others will be convinced of their authenticity. One of the ways these items are found is through improper disposal. You can keep your used products out of the grey market by going to a reputable product destruction facility that specializes in proper e-waste recycling and certified product destruction of the following goods:

  • Toys
  • Vitamins
  • Electronics
  • Textiles
  • Cosmetics

Protect Your Products From the Grey Market

It is important for all business owners to make sure that all the legal requirements are in place to protect against counterfeit products. Excess waste during manufacturing should be avoided as it can facilitate unauthorized manufacturing. Large corporations occasionally conduct raids to recover products and seize counterfeit products. Businesses may also need to consider ways to make it easier to identify a fake product. This is why watermarks are used on currency and many other products.

To learn more about the grey market and how to dispose of your electronics, please call Cal Micro Recycling at 909.572.1661.

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