Tax Documents: To Shred or Not to Shred?

Often a manufacturer’s expired, outdated, recalled, or damaged inventory ends up being resold online without proper authorization. Online commerce companies like Amazon and eBay do not have a screening process sophisticated enough to decipher what dealers are approved to sell certain products, making it difficult to know what vendors to trust. There are specific clues…

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Finding a Solution to CRT Glass Destruction

Often a manufacturer’s expired, outdated, recalled, or damaged inventory ends up being resold online without proper authorization. Online commerce companies like Amazon and eBay do not have a screening process sophisticated enough to decipher what dealers are approved to sell certain products, making it difficult to know what vendors to trust. There are specific clues…

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The Importance of Recycling Batteries

After throwing waste into the garbage, few people know where their trash ends up. Most of the garbage that comes from homes and some small businesses typically goes to landfills. Organic waste eventually decomposes, but the toxic substances that are tossed out are unsafe for dumping. Sometimes we throw things away that we did not…

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