Mobile Shredding

A top-down photo of a heap of shredded paper with letter press letters spelling: ARE YOU PROTECTED?

Paper Shredding Do’s and Don’ts

February 1, 2019

Over 30 percent of Americans are exposed to and notified of data breaches that make them vulnerable to identity theft. Cybercrimes account for much of these cases, but technological advancements are working to make it harder for hackers to obtain information digitally. One of the easiest ways for identity thieves to access personal information is…

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A chalkboard with PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY written in while chalk, and the O in YOUR replaced with a stress-ball heart.

Guidelines for Shredding School Documents

July 20, 2018

Identity thieves are not picky about whose information they steal. Both adults and children are vulnerable to identity theft if their personal details end up in the wrong hands. The most common ways that identity thieves find data is by rummaging through the garbage or stealing directly from mailboxes. While children do not have credit…

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A large steel filing cabinet door ajar with the key still in the handle, a few stacks of paper are shown on the inside.

Tax Documents: To Shred or Not to Shred?

March 26, 2018

Often a manufacturer’s expired, outdated, recalled, or damaged inventory ends up being resold online without proper authorization. Online commerce companies like Amazon and eBay do not have a screening process sophisticated enough to decipher what dealers are approved to sell certain products, making it difficult to know what vendors to trust. There are specific clues…

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A top-down photo of a mixture of various shreddred papers.

The Cost of Improper Disposal of Waste and Sensitive Documents

February 28, 2018

Recently, California public inspectors discovered that several Home Depot stores were improperly disposing of hazardous waste as well as customer records. The terms of their roughly $28 million settlement will require the major retailer to pay penalties, finance environmental programs, and observe the laws that pertain to waste disposal. This is not the first time…

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Secure Data and Document Destruction: Types of Personal Information that Identity Thieves Steal

January 27, 2018

Identity thieves have adopted several different methods of stealing personal information. Some of the more common ways of obtaining information include sifting through garbage or breaking into mailboxes in search of bank statements and other identifiable material. Old hard drives that get donated or resold, for example, may still contain easily accessible information, even if…

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A photograph of a business person in a suit holding a shedder and actively shredding a document.

Why Is It Important to Shred Business Documents?

January 19, 2018

In today’s capitalist society, businesses have access to a lot of information. While much of this information is stored digitally, many businesses continue to store paper files with sensitive and confidential information. Eventually, there comes a point where these types of files are no longer needed. At that point, the proper course of action is…

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A photograph of a business person in a suit holding a shedder and actively shredding a document.

Secure Data and Document Destruction (Mobile Shredding)

December 19, 2017

Do you and your business make it a habit of shredding everything or are you selective about what is shredded? Today, enterprises acquire mass amounts of information about their clients and employees, much of which is still stored using paper filing. Despite having a general understanding of the importance of data and document destruction, many…

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