The Importance of an R2 Certified Electronics Recycler

Electronic waste (e-waste) is often improperly disposed of, exposing the environment and recycling workers to toxic materials and leaving personal data vulnerable to identity theft. As more electronic devices circulate, the amount of e-waste thrown into the garbage grows. Because most of the materials in these products are not biodegradable, they also take up useful space in landfills. What some may not know is that electronics have many recyclable components that can be reused in the production of new devices. Customers can choose from several types of recycling facilities for their electronics recycling and data destruction needs. However, going to a qualified, R2 certified recycler means that they will uphold the highest standards when handling e-waste and sensitive information.

What Is R2 Certification?

The Responsible Recycling Practices, commonly known as R2, is one of two accredited electronics certificate standards. R2 standards must comply with 13 categories, each of which is designed to improve safety for workers and boost efficiency. These guidelines are developed to enhance the recycling process or electronic devices and minimize the risk of exposing workers to hazardous wastes contained in these products.

Benefits of R2 Certified Recycling

  • Reduces the amount of energy required to manufacture new products
  • Diminishes the environmental risks associated with creating new products
  • Produces optimal data destruction
  • Decreases health risks for recycling specialists as well as the public
  • Minimizes landfill waste

R2 Certified Recycling Services

Cal Micro Recycling is certified by various organizations, including R2, OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) 18001: 2007, ISO (International Organization of Standardization) 14001: 2004, CalRecycle (California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery), and NAID (National Association for Information Destruction) AAA. Our team of experienced specialists performs exceptional recycling services, such as electronics recycling and mobile data and document destruction, reassuring customers that their products and information are properly handled.

For more information about R2 certified recycling services, please call Cal Micro Recycling at 909.572.1661.