Cell Phone Disposal and the Environment

Over the last few decades, the cell phone evolved from a pricey upper-class commodity to a daily necessity now available to the general public. New models with even better features are released regularly, prompting consumers to jump at the chance to replace their old phones with the best products on the market. Because of rapid mobile technology advancement, cell phones quickly become obsolete and are often discarded improperly. What many are unaware of is that mobile phones can contain a decent amount of both toxic and recyclable materials.

What Is in Your Cell Phone?

When something is thrown into the garbage, it ends up in a landfill. While careful measures are taken to contain landfill waste and prevent seepage into the surrounding soil or water, leaks to occur. For this reason, it is crucial to understand the dangers of throwing away electronics, such as cell phones, the substances of which may end up in our food and water supplies. Cell phones are composed of many materials, some of which are toxic and some of which can be reused to make new devices.

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Toxic Substances

  • Chromium
  • Lithium
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium
  • Beryllium

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Recyclable Materials

  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Palladium
  • Copper
  • Usable parts


What Recycling Your Old Cell Phone Can Do

electronics recycling bin

Due to considerable growth in mobile technology and the demand for more, electronic waste (e-waste) is expected to increase steadily over the next few years with no definite end in sight. At Cal Micro Recycling, we provide electronics recycling services to help protect local ecosystems and prevent the contamination of our food and water. By recycling 100 million cell phones, roughly half of the annual number of discarded mobile phones in the U.S., people can conserve enough energy to provide more than 370,000 homes for one year. Recycling just one million cell phones can yield as much as 35,000 pounds of copper, 750 pounds of silver, 70 pounds of gold, and 50 pounds of palladium.



To learn more about how to recycle your cell phone or other outdated devices, please contact Cal Micro Recycling by calling 909.572.1661.